Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Best Present.

by Nur Fatin

The best present that someone could get from a friend is a pray,where we hope for the best to anyone and as a sign of love that only God knows. During my high school year, I was blessed with so many good things and true friends around me.I was blessed with enough gain to satisfy my wanting, enough loss to appreciate all possesses and enough pain so the smallest joy in life appears much bigger.

God truly shows me the true value of friend from a simple game that some of us might had played before.Our eyes need to blindfolded with a cloth and we were placed at different places.Then we had to find a friend who was also blindfolded with a cloth in order to complete some tasks after that.I managed to find my friend,Jannah and we were thrilled to find each other.Hence tha task can be completad easily.After the game ended,she held my hand and said," Can you imagine how is it going to be when we have to cross the titian sirat in a dark which so much difficulties where it is impossible to find even the slightest light? I was really happy when you reached my hand during the game and I hope that in a second I fall from the titian sirat, a friend like you may hold my hand and together we enter the heaven.That is the simple pray that I whispered to God".

We also used to eat in a talam where we share our food with at least five people,as I lived in a hostel for five years.During the Ramadan as were waiting for time to break our fast we will take some time to pray. You can easily watched there were many people who were indulged in their silent pray. After I finished my pray, I asked my friend,Atikah what did she asked to God. She said," can see everyone in the dining hall were busy reciting a pray to God and I asked Allah to answer all my friends prayer before He answers mine". I NEVER heard such a beautiful pray before in my life and I hope HE will answer her prayer.

What I want to share here is ukhuwwah which is truly based on aqeedah is the srongest bond. Not every flowers can represent love but roses did it.Not every trees can stand thirst but cactus did it. Not every friends can stay forever so let us pray that we will meet again in heaven,insya-Allah.

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